Modern Tire Dealer

MAR 2013

Magazine for the professional tire industry

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cost more, and it doesn't hurt as bad when they spread it out over those many miles. And we also ofer fnancing through our credit card." According to a survey of MTD's National Advisory Council members, 58.3% feel customers' frst priority when buying light truck tires is long mileage. Tis is followed by a smooth ride, a quiet ride and the lowest cost possible. Traction also was noted as a desired feature, especially given the increase in of-road events following the recent upturn in the economy. Overcoming sticker shock Overcoming sticker shock can be a problem for dealers facing light truck tire replacement buyers. To combat the issue, dealers told us they: • show them comparisons of all tires in that segment and explain the diferences between LT and P-metric tires. Tey also illustrate that the LT tires are more robust than a passenger tire. • take the time to explain features and benefts of premium versus other levels, and then sell on benefts. • talk about performance and what they receive now versus 10 years ago. • educate by discussing the benefts the customer can expect to get, and then show the costs associated with those benefts. • have in-house fnancing options available, such as six months no interest. "It's no worse than the sticker shock we inflict on our passenger tire buyers," a dealer told us. "We blame the high prices on the car and truck manufacturers. I think there's a greater degree of acceptance to the fact that all tires carry a big price tag." "Every tire sale seems to have sticker shock," noted another council member. "Always follow the fve points to a sale. It doesn't mater what type of tire you are selling." Where dealers go to market Kaufman Tire markets its light truck tires by direct-mail, on its website ( and via social media. "We still do some newspaper advertising, too, believe it or not," Phillips said. When considering marketing of light truck tires, it's important to note that a good percentage of light truck tire buyers are women, survey respondents noted (see chart). Probably around 40% of Kaufman's Tire's light truck tire customers are women. "If you consider the cross-over market as far as light truck tires, there are a lot more women making fnancial decisions in U.S. households," Phillips said. Nearly 77% of the dealers surveyed use their websites to promote their light truck sales. Tis is followed by direct mail pieces, social media and newspaper ads. Plus, don't forget to dress-up your showroom. "Point-of-sale displays get customers thinking (and planning fnancially) ahead when they may be in our dealership for other services," a dealer told us. ■ Quik-Link: 800-687-1557 ext. 13118 41

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