Modern Tire Dealer

MAR 2013

Magazine for the professional tire industry

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Features 26 Winter tires and the 2013-14 season Tracking trends and technology is easier than fguring out what Mother Nature has in store for us Te Industry's Leading Publication March 2013, Volume 94, Number 3 Departments 4 Editorial Retailers on wholesalers: Is the one mistreating the other? Dealers speak out 6 Online Independent tire dealers lead the pack 38 If the future were any brighter for LT tire sales, you'd have to wear shades Pent-up demand and new vehicle sales add shine to the market 42 Spring car care Here's how to convince your customers that preventive maintenance will save them money 8 News/views Ever greener: Hybrids promise profts for Curry's Auto Service 17 Your marketplace Dealers remain optimistic despite cash-strapped customers and higher fuel costs 56 Business insight Don't just manage your reputation, market it! How to create a culture that focuses on constantly improving how consumers view your business 61 Counter intelligence Every customer has a 'buy button': The key is to fnd it — and push it! 62 European notebook An unconvincing reception for tire labeling in Europe: Only time will tell its effectiveness 64 Focus on industry More market share! Hankook reveals aggressive goals to dealers 50 Inventory management Adding to your product screen takes preparation and communication 66 Focus on industry 'Stratego,' not 'Whac-A-Mole': Goodyear stays on course; that includes 2 new tires 70 TPMS Retrain, reset when replacing Durango sensors: Wait for indicator lamp to go out when adjusting pressure 79 Your turn Sean Kane takes TIA and RMA to task Modern Tire Dealer is a proud member of: 73 Products 75 Quik-Link 76 Classifed TRIB TIRE RETREAD & REPAIR INFORMATION BUREAU Member An Industry Association 3

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