Modern Tire Dealer

MAR 2013

Magazine for the professional tire industry

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Business insight Online reviews can make or break your business. They are now a highly trusted source for consumers. Are you aware of what is being said about your business? You need to have someone managing your online reputation. Negative reviews will cost you customers, and an improved online rating means an increase in revenue. You must have a system in place to handle negative comments as quickly as possible — before something negative gets posted. tions online, 87% say that positive reviews online have reinforced their decision to purchase from a recommended source, and 80% say that negative reviews online have made them change their mind about purchasing a product or service that was recommended to them. Rules for managing your reputation Tese are some eye-opening statistics that you shouldn't ignore. Online reviews can make or break your business. When I 58 Quik-Link: 800-687-1557 ext. 13128 talk with tire dealers across the country, I hear the same answers over and over. First, I ask them who in their business is in charge of their reputation. I get some prety interesting answers to this question. I then ask them if they are aware of what is being said about their business on the over 85 online social media sites that exist. Most of them tell me about those pesky negative reviews they have that just won't go away. Everyone has them... Why? You can't satisfy everyone all the time, it's that MTD March 2013

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