Modern Tire Dealer

MAR 2013

Magazine for the professional tire industry

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Your turn Question of the month doing their best to destroy what many have given their lives to build and protect. Our nation was founded by those with convictions who were willing to sacrifce all, to achieve what we as Americans have enjoyed these 200-plus years. Sacrifce: Except for those serving in our military, most of us at home know very litle of it, but soon will join millions of others who must do without daily if corrective action is not soon taken." Dave Richards, Owner Canton Bandag Co. Canton, Ohio Our lead article for our News/views section covers a dealer who is geting ahead of the hybrid service curve by training his techs on the unique challenges of servicing these vehicles (see page 8). We asked our National Advisory Council members, "How will hybrid auto service afect your service department?" Tey responded: "More technical training and subject-matter expertise will be required to meet the anticipated needs of our hybrid customers. Hybrid systems are inherently more complicated and more knowledge is needed to master them." Tripp Lee, General Manager Frasier Tire Service Sumter, S.C. "It will afect it because car dealers are telling customers they are the only ones that can work on them." Bill Blewet, General Manager (wholesale and retail) Gateway Tire & Service Center Nashville, Tenn. "Hybrids are starting to become more popular in our service department." Jerry Reygaert, Owner Reys Auto & Tire Shelby Township, Mich. "2012 was challenging for various reasons, which I expect to continue through the second quarter of 2013. Manufacturers seem to be slowly improving tire availability and new car sales are rising, so I expect margins and volumes to continue to erode as we move to the end of 2013. Te constant struggle to increase volume inevitably leads to decreased margins, so I also think that we will continue to see many smaller companies sell out or close." Scot Williams, President/COO Jack Williams Tire Co. Inc. Moosic, Pa. "Te country is on the wrong path. Tax policy, health care concerns, regulations, escalating debt, the lack of a budget, the lack of constraints on entitlements, defense cuts, are all adding to our growing economic and fscal problems. I'm not sure anyone can change the course. It's a shame that we allowed so many of our citizens to completely avoid personal responsibility and become dependent on handouts from the government to live." Charley Gowland, Manager/Owner Chabill's Tire Service LLC Morgan City, La. "People seem to be waiting for their federal tax refund before their purchase of tires." Jef Cohen, Co-owner Traction Wholesale Center Bensalem, Pa. "No impact in our area for the near future." Mike Tompson, President Tompson's OK Tire Inc. Beloit, Kan. Our council also commented on other topics: "In our area, business has been stagnant. President Obama tells the nation our economy is in an upswing. Quite frankly I think our nation is still in a downturn. Sure there may be a glimmer of hope, but it will take a huge step, with guts and sacrifce, to do what is necessary and you will not fnd enough of it in Washington these days. We as a nation are geting our buts kicked on every front because we have empathy and derision running amuck in D.C. I feel our leaders are "Business is still not picking up as fast as our president says it is. Businesses are standing pat on hiring new employees because of all the new taxes such as Obamacare. Te customers' confdence in our economy is not very good! Customers are mainly doing what is needed and not doing the maintenance where the higher margins are." Jerry Reygaert, Owner Reys Auto & Tire Shelby Township, Mich. "Margins need to improve on tires." Randy Jones, President Tireman Auto Service Centers Toledo, Ohio Join Modern Tire Dealer's National Advisory Council Each month, Modern Tire Dealer is guided and infuenced by a select group of readers — members of our National Advisory Council. Tese members' opinions are the heart of the monthly Your marketplace column, compiled by analysts Nick Mitchell and John Healy. If you'd like to join this prestigious group, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you. Contact Editor Bob Ulrich at or call (330) 899-2200, ext. 11. 80 MTD March 2013

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